By using this web site, you agree to accept the following terms and conditions.
AS A CLIENT/ADVERTISER in Stylingworld.com you agree to the following
Any personal details provided by you to us are important and must be true, correct and complete. You accept all responsibility for personal information supplied for publication within Stylingworld.com (which hereafter will be referred to as Stylingworld.com). You agree to notify us immediately of any changes which are relevant to your account. Stylingworld.com takes no responsibilty in clearing rights for any image received for presentation on the web. The right to use the images you supply to be used within Stylingworld.com is your responsibilty. Any photographic credits you request to be included will appear within the same page as the image. Although every care is taken with material we receive, we can take no responsibility for loss or damage of material in transit. We take no responsibility for the unlikely event of Stylingworld.com being, temporarily, off-line due to reasons beyond our control. By applying to appear in this web site, it will be assumed that you have read and accepted Stylingworld.com's terms and conditions.
AS A USER of Stylingworld.com you agree to the following
1.1 Your use of Stylingworld.com (which hereafter will be referred to as Stylingworld.com) web site carries with it no rights in relation to copyright, trade or other intellectual property rights of ours. Your use of the website is governed by these Terms and any additional Product Terms to which you have agreed, regardless of whether such use is in connection with or otherwise related to your use of the website or the Services.
1.2 All rights, title, and interest (including all copyrights and other intellectual property rights) in the website and the Services belong to us. You acquire no proprietary interest in the website or the Services. You may not remove or obscure the copyright notice or other notices contained in the website, Services or anything retrieved or downloaded from the website.
1.3 Unless we give you express written permission, you may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, rent, lease, loan, sublicense or create derivative works from the website, which includes the information and software made available therein. Save as otherwise provided in any Product Terms, you may not copy, save, download, modify, reproduce, republish, distribute, transmit or use for any purposes, whether commercial or non-commercial, the website or any information contained therein, except to the extent necessarily required in order for you to display, use and navigate the website.
1.4 You may establish links to the website from locations outside the website provided (a) you link only to the home page http://www.stylingworld.com, (b) you do not remove or obscure, by framing or otherwise, advertisements, the copyright notice or other notices in the website, (c) you give us notice of such link by sending an e-mail message to and (d) you immediately discontinue providing links to the website if notified by us.
1.5 A derivative work is anything sourced from or referenced from a pre-existing Image. If you use any Image and manipulate, clone, copy, trace, retouch, shrink, stretch, darken, or lighten the Image you create a derivative work. If you include any Image in a montage or use the Image as the basis for an artist reference, you create a derivative work. You also create a derivative work if you change an original Image in any other way.
1.6 You agree that you will not use the Images for any unlawful purpose, or to defame any person, or to violate any person's right of privacy or publicity, or to infringe upon any trade name, trademark or service mark or any entity. You agree to hold Stylingworld.com harmless against all claims, liability, damages, costs and expenses arising out of any breech of this Agreement.
2.1 You agree that you will only use the website in a manner that is consistent with these Terms and any additional Product Terms and in such a way as to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. In particular, you will not use the website to transmit or post any material which is defamatory, offensive, or of an obscene or menacing character, or which may, in our judgement, cause annoyance, inconvenience or anxiety to any person or contains any virus or other computer programming routine which may damage or interfere with the website and/or the Services.
2.2 You agree not to use the website or the Services such that you cause the whole or part of the website or such Services to be interrupted, damaged, rendered less efficient or in any way impaired.
2.3 To the extent to which your use or the use by any person who may be authorised by you or for whom you are responsible (for example as employer) causes loss or damage to us or any person, you agree to indemnify us immediately on demand in relation to any such losses or damages attributable to us, including where necessary any legal, administrative or technical charges that may arise from such use.
3.1 We agree to use our reasonable endeavours to maintain the website in a fully operating condition and error free. As we cannot guarantee that the website will always be fully operational or error free we do not accept responsibility for any defects that may exist or for any costs, loss of profits, loss of data or consequential losses arising from your use of or inability to access the website.
3.2 Whilst we take reasonable precautions to ensure that any downloads we make available will be virus free we do not warrant that any downloads will be virus free and will not cause interruptions with your computer systems.
3.3 We exclude, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, and save in respect of death or personal injury arising from our negligence, all liability for any claims losses,demands and damages arising directly or indirectly out of or in any way connected with the website and/or the Services. This exclusion shall apply in respect of, without limitation, any interruption of services, lost profits, loss of contracts or business opportunity, loss of data, or any other consequential, incidental, special, or punitive damages, arising out of the website and/or the Services, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages, whether arising in contract, under statute or otherwise.
3.4 We may provide links to other websites or resources and may post or make available content provided by third parties ("Third Party Content"). Our role in providing Third Party Content is as distributor only and accordingly we do not accept responsibility for the Third Party Content and do not and cannot be deemed to have endorsed any Third Party Content. In particular, you acknowledge that we will not be party to any transaction or contract with a third party that you may enter into and that we shall have no liability to you in respect of any such transaction, whether arising in contract, tort, under statute or otherwise. You acknowledge that you will not involve us in any dispute between yourselves and the third party.
4.1 In order to improve the quality of the website and the Services, we reserve the right to make changes to these Terms and the Product Terms from time to time at our sole discretion. These changes may include extending the Terms to include other terms and conditions applicable to specific Services offered by us.
4.2 Additionally, we reserve the right to suspend, restrict, or terminate access to the website for any reason at any time
4.3 Any personal details provided by you to us are important and must be true, correct and complete. You agree to notify us immediately of any changes which are relevant to your registration.
4.4 Our Privacy Policy is set out below. In general, we use the information that we collect from you to identify your preferences and match your needs with relevant Services.
Note: This policy only applies to this website and not to the websites of other companies, individuals or organisations to which we provide links.
1.1 You signify your consent to us collecting and using this information by your use of this website as set out below. Should for any reason we elect to change our policy, we will notify you of those changes here, so that you are always kept informed of how we collect and use the information, and when we would disclose it.
1.2 The information that you submit may be transferred outside the European Economic Area ("EEA") for processing by us and our branches or associated companies and to maintain accounts for you at other 2020productions.co.uk sites. Some of these countries may not have laws to protect this information. You consent to this transfer.
2.1 We will collect information about your tastes and preferences both when you tell us what these are and by analysis of website traffic, including by using cookies (see below).
2.2 We use information collected about you to help us develop (a) the design and layout of our website to ensure that our sites are as useful and enjoyable as possible and (b) the features of our Services.
2.3 Sometimes this information may also be used by us and our associated companies to inform you about changes to our website, new Services or offers that you might find interesting. If you do not wish to receive this information, please send an e-mail to .
3.1 We may at our discretion choose to sell, trade, rent or otherwise disclose your personal information to trustworthy third parties situated within the EEA or in countries approved by the Data Protection Commissioner. You may instruct us not to do by sending an e-mail message to . In addition, we may provide aggregate statistics about our Services, clients, traffic patterns and other site information to third parties, but these statistics will not include any information that could personally identify you.
3.2 You agree that you do not object to us, our associated companies or such third parties contacting you for any of the above purposes whether by telephone, email, fax or in writing, and you confirm that you do not and will not consider any of the above as being a breach of any of your rights under the Telecommunications (Data Protection and Privacy) Regulations 1999.
3.3 We reserve the right to access and disclose individually identifiable information to comply with applicable laws and lawful government requests, to operate its systems properly or to protect itself or its users. We also reserve the right to disclose individually identifiable information to third parties where a complaint arises concerning your use of this website, and that use is deemed by us inconsistent with these Terms and/or the Product Terms.
4. SECURITY We have strict security procedures covering the storage and disclosure of your information in order to prevent unauthorised access to comply with the UK Data Protection Acts of 1984 and 1998. This means that sometimes we may ask for proof of identity before we disclose personal information to you.
5. COOKIES A cookie is a piece of information that is stored on your computer's hard drive by your web browser. On revisiting the website our computer server will recognise the cookie, giving us information about your last visit. Most browsers accept cookies automatically, but usually you can alter the settings of your browser to prevent automatic acceptance. If you choose not to receive cookies, you may still use most of the features of our website.
6. CUSTOMER FEEDBACK AND COMPLAINTS We welcome your questions and comments about privacy issues and the design of our website. Should you have such comments or have a complaint about how we are using your personal data, please send an e-mail to .
If you have any queries or concerns, please e-mail
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